Monday, June 26, 2017


The other day I sat on the porch swing and talked to Mamabear for over an hour on the phone. This used to be a much more of a frequent thing in the past, but we haven't had as long of conversations recently.

We chit chatted about plans for the summer, possible trips we might go on, and life plans for the next couple of years, and I realized everything might be shifting rather drastically in the next year or so. Forrest might be moving to Southern California in the next year to be closer to his business partner for their company. Mama is planning on retiring and possibly moving into the Salt Lake City house, and I've been flirting with the idea of moving to New York City next Spring/early Summer. New York City ...or LA. One of the two!

It's all very exciting but also a lot of changes in such a short amount of time! It was weird to realize that within a year, Forrest, Mama, and I might all be living in not just new cities, but new states. 

Here's to bigger and better things, and not letting life get too stagnant!


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