Tuesday, August 8, 2017


You know how people start to get baby hungry the older they get? 

Well, I don't have that at all, but lately I've been super house hungry! 

I'm so content to not have a baby for another 5 years or so, but lately all I want to do is buy a house. I just love the idea of having something to decorate, and fix up, and call my own! The problem is I have no idea where I want to live for the next few years so it makes house hunting kind of difficult. I look at the market in Salt Lake City just about everyday, but I also look in Southern California almost as regularly haha. 

I guess the first step would be to figure out where I want to settle for a few years and go from there, but it's just so tough trying to figure out all of that. Also, houses and condos in Utah are just so much cheaper so it's always a little disheartening to see what you can get here for a certain price, and then see what you get in LA for the same price. 

It just seems so fun to have my own place and actually put my money to good use. I just feel like having money in the bank isn't really rewarding these days. Interests rates are so low and I just want my money to work for me, not just sit in a bank accumulating barely any interest.

So until I solidify my life plans a little better, I'll just regularly be checking house listings and getting excited over the idea of buying one one day. Hopefully in Southern California. :)

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