Tuesday, November 21, 2017


I don't like being busy, it makes my life pass me by too quickly. 

I've been so busy lately and I need to remind myself to slow it down. I've been planning a family reunion for this Thanksgiving weekend in Phoenix. I've been so busy at work everyday for the past few week. And I've been busy preparing for the Salt + Honey show coming up on December 4th.

I felt like I was handling everything pretty okay up until last night when it all came crashing down in the form of a stress stomach ache. When I get super stressed about something, I get these really awful stress stomach aches that I don't know how to fix. They are honestly the worst pain I've ever felt in my life and all that I know to do to lessen the pain is take hydrocodone and take a bath. It doesn't address the stress at all and it doesn't fix the pain, but it does help alleviate it a little. 

Once, during finals week at BYUI, I went to the hospital for one because it was SO bad.That was a mistake though. A bunch of tests and $800 later, all they did was pump me full of morphine for the pain and send me home with hydrocodone to mask the pain. I still don't know how to fix them once they come, but drugs sure seem to help haha. 

I'm better today, but remind me to never try to plan a family reunion within a week span of a craft show. That was way too much to take on at one time.

I need to slow it down. I need to remind myself that none of this is really that important. 
All will be well. All will work out. 

And all will work out for you too. I promise. :)

Tuesday, November 7, 2017


You guys, I finally created a Twitter. I'm only 11 years late to the whole Twitter thing, but I finally jumped on the bandwagon and made one. And let me tell you, it kind of makes me feel like an old lady. I'm still trying to figure it out! haha.

But it's there and it's live. I guess technically I made one back in 2014 but I never used it or tweeted, so just barely today I started figuring it out. I have no idea what I'm doing but I officially have two tweets up!

Realistically I'll probably forget all about it and let it die soon, but it's fun for right now.

Who else is on Twitter? I swear I don't know anyone who actually uses it. Let me know who uses theirs, and this old Twitter grandma will follow you! :)

My Twitter: twitter.com/heartofconfetti

Thursday, November 2, 2017


Captain Jack Sparrow! 
 Halloween 2017

After work on Halloween, we went to Chipotle to get our $3 booritos for being in costume. We went home, stuffed our faces with burritos, chips + queso, and candy, watched episodes of Ghost Adventures, and passed out candy to the cute little kiddos who came by. My favorite was an adorable little girl who couldn't have been more than 3 years old; she was dressed up as the sweetest little lamb!  

Our house later that night got graffiti'd by 3 idiot punks. Jeremy and I were still up watching scary things in the front room when we just heard older voices yelling "trick or treat" from our front porch. It was 10:30pm and way too late to be going up to someone's house yelling through the front door, but Jeremy was nice and gave them candy anyway. 

They weren't in costume, had to be late teens or early twenties, and each holding a can of spray paint. In hindsight, we probably should have called that in, but I didn't think they would be dumb enough to spray paint someone's actual home. But they did. They also spray painted all over a wall around the block that leads down some stairs to the park. It makes me so mad. Especially the fact that we were nice enough to open our door to them at 10:30 at night, only to find our house all graffiti'd the next day. It made me so so mad! Since then we called it in and gave a description of those idiots but I know nothing will come of it. I honestly hate that people like that even exist. The idea of people walking around just to be completely destructive baffles me. What a waste of a life.

It's times like these when I really wish I had a porch camera. 

So besides those idiots...

Halloween was really fun! 

Wednesday, November 1, 2017


Jeremy and I went to Wheeler Farms for a cute fall date. They have the Farmer's Market there on Sundays which is always fun! I just really love farmer's markets; I always have.

We got tamales for lunch from one of the vendors and ate them on a bench in the sunshine. They were so good but oh so spicy! The guy misunderstood me and instead of giving us two chicken tamales and just one cheese and jalapeno, he gave us each a cheese and jalapeno and only one chicken. Neither of us can do spice very well, so I ended up eating both cheese and jalapeno ones so Jeremy could have the chicken one and that was just waaay too many jalapenos for this mild-mouthed lady! But a tamale is a tamale, and I will never turn down a tamale!

We bought little tokens to ride the wagon ride around the grounds which I really love doing! It's $2 for kids, and $3 for adults. It's just a cute fall ride around all the property along the river and by all the pretty Autumn trees. We may be the only adults to ride the wagon ride without a kid by our side, but I don't care! It's fun and it makes me happy so I do it every time I go!

I just love anytime I can just walk around outside in a pretty place and enjoy the trees, and the running water, and the breeze. And of course a cute little pumpkin patch, and wagon ride. I'm so happy pumpkins stick around another month! I get to leave all my pumpkins out and enjoy them a little longer before it's full blown Christmas! Let's be honest though, the pumpkin/Autumn things will probably only stay out like two more weeks before my Christmas decorations make their way out! :)

So here's to enjoying what's left of Autumn these next two weeks until I just can't contain my excitement for Christmas anymore! 

Happy November!