Tuesday, February 26, 2019


My wandering heart has been aching to go out on a road trip again. I've been really reminiscing about the road trip I went on in the fall and it's making me want to head back out again. I didn't get to explore pretty much any of the South so I think it would be fun to do a Southern U.S. trip this time around! 

I would love to see Florida, New Orleans, Georgia, the Carolinas, and those swampy mossy style trees! I'm absolutely terrified of alligators but it would be kind of neat to see those too from the complete safety of a tour. :)

On my last trip, I pretty much just went as far south as Virginia Beach and then I cut back across the U.S, stopping to see my dear friends in Nashville, and then my brother's family in Oklahoma.

And as crazy as this may seem to some of you, I kind of really miss sleeping in my car. I know that sounds insane, but it was just so oddly comforting! I never thought I could ever sleep so comfortably and peacefully in my car, in the middle of some random city, in a parking lot, but oh man was it just so cozy! Don't get me wrong, I love my queen size bed too, but there's just something about the adventure of it all that my heart has been longing for lately!

A little Spring road trip may be just what I need... :)