Friday, March 31, 2017


1. It's Friday! I love Fridays so much! (As I'm sure everyone does.)

2. My mama is here for the weekend! She flew in yesterday for conference weekend and I'm so happy she's here. I think it's raining most of this weekend so we'll have to find fun indoor things to do around the city. 

3. I got to visit with Andres this week! He came to town for his Spring Break and we followed our tradition of getting Kneaders. I swear I only eat Kneaders when I'm with him even though I love that place which makes it even that much more special! It was raining all day when we hung out so we both ordered soup in bread bowls only to have the girl tell us they were out of bread bowls. Um, what? You're a bakery, girl, just make more. We were obviously just being divas haha. 

3. One of the things I got Jeremy for his birthday is the cutest little happiness journal. You write one happy thing that happened during the day every day, and it's a 3 year journal so you get to look back at your happy thing from the previous year(s) which I LOVE! I love the idea of looking for the happy in each day, but I especially love the idea of reading what your happy thing was exactly a year ago on that day. Here's what the journals look like:

(Photo from Papyrus Website)

They are so cute and little, and we just keep them on my nightstand so we can write in them together before bed everyday. I got them from Papyrus in City Creek but I bet you could find them at any bookstore. :)

4. It's overcast and drizzling today which I love! I feel like everyone at work is so much more laid back on rainy days and I like seeing that carefree silly side of everyone! 

5. I sold 11 skirts so far since Monday and that's exciting! Skirt sales have definitely been growing exponentially over the past few months and it's fun to see my little business grow before my eyes. I'm sure a big fan of being a small business owner. And an even bigger fan of working from my couch in front of continuous episodes of The Great British Baking Show! :)

 6. Jeremy turned 23 on Wednesday! I like to tease him for being a baby but I'm really only a year and half older than him which isn't anything. It's just fun to tease. We went to R&R BBQ for his birthday dinner, got Ruby Snap cookies for dessert, and watched a movie! I told him the next day that I wanted it to still be his birthday because I liked celebrating him and having a day just about him. 

It's just a happy little week this week and I'm grateful for that! I hope you all have a happy week too. :)

Link to my Confetti Heart shop:
Link to the "Happiness Is" book:

Thursday, March 30, 2017


The other night, Jeremy and I were filling out passenger information on the computer for plane tickets. Well, he was filling it out, I was sewing next to him, when suddenly he got to the information for me and stopped at my middle name section box and asked

"Can you spell it for me?" 
I got very suspicious and said "just try" but he sat there longer avoiding typing at all. Then I asked
"You don't remember my middle name do you?" 

We've had this conversation a few months ago when I realized he didn't know my middle name at all so I was surprised he still hadn't programed it into his memory after that conversation. 

He admitted he didn't know it, and I being a little brat just made him keep guessing. After guessing a couple wrong names he asked for the first letter and when I told him "N" he immediately guessed it correctly, but geez louise! A year of dating and this kid still had no idea what my middle name was.

Then it was just full blown quiz time after that! I made him fill out the rest without any help from me only to tell him he needed to correct my middle name from "Nicole" to Nicolle. (My dad threw an extra "L" in there which I'm grateful he did; it makes a typical name a little more unique.) 

I also had to make Jeremy correct my birthday to September 12th. He put the 18th haha. And I had to help him with the year. He started at 1989 and then just kept working his way more recent. I know I have a lot of white hair but not an '89 amount. ;)

Oh goodness, I can tell you everything about that kid but he can't remember the same dumb little things about me. I teased him a lot for it, but I feel totally justified in doing so! Who the heck can't remember a birthday or middle name for the person you love?!

Bless his little heart. :)

Tuesday, March 28, 2017


Tulie Bakery opened a second location in Salt Lake City so on Saturday Jeremy & I went!
It's near 15th and 15th and we both really loved it inside and out! It's a cute bakery and has the most delicious looking pastries and baked goods. They have a mini cheesecake with fresh raspberries on top that I wanted but didn't really feel like forking out $5 for it. Jeremy got a flat white and I got a mocha and both were pretty good. Not as good as Blue Copper's mocha, but still tasty.

The outside of the shop has a planter that wraps around the entrance with the prettiest pink tulips! Inside, they have lovely white marble tables and the cutest little white marble bar window seat with fresh cut tulips in a vase as you can see below. Just the feel of the whole bakery is almost exactly what I would do if I ever opened my bakery. Maybe just more light though, they only have the street facing window which is nice in the front of the shop but no natural light makes it to the back. They could definitely use some skylights in there.

After Tulie, we went to the State Capitol building to finally, and I mean finally, see the pink blossoms on the trees! I've lived about 5 blocks from the Capitol for the past 2 1/2 years and it took me all this time to make it over in time to see the blossoms. I don't know how long the pink blossoms actually stay, but it just always feels like the tiniest window of time. By the time I remember and try to make it over, they have all changed.

I somehow seem to miss it every single Spring! We made it though, and I'm so happy we did! They were beautiful!

Overall, it was a lovely rainy pink spring day! I could definitely get used to a few more of these.

Monday, March 27, 2017


1. The sound of helicopters overhead really stress me out. 
You would think I had lived through some intense war in my life by how scared helicopters make me. One just flew over my work building and I caught myself sinking low in my seat with stressed shoulders. It's an irrational fear really, but it's a deeply rooted one that I have yet to discover the source of.

2. As with a lot of people, I love the smell of coffee but don't care for the taste. Just recently however, I started really loving mochas and vanilla lattes. Essentially any coffee that has a whole lot of sweet stuff added to it is the only kind of coffee I can drink.  

So far, Blue Copper in downtown SLC wins the Olivia award for best mocha
They have the yummiest chocolate that they add to their coffee and it's perfection in a mug.

3. I'm still pretty scared of Pennywise from IT. Anytime I have my eyes closed for too long in the shower while I'm washing my face, I picture him being at the drain of the shower when I open my eyes. It's not fun. Don't let your kids watch IT when they're under 10, folks. It'll traumatize them even into adulthood. Maybe if I rewatch it I won't be so scared anymore? Has anyone found that to help with childhood fears?

 4. I feel like my office desk is a real office desk now that there are quarters in my drawer. It seemed like everytime I saw my teacher's desk drawers at school they always had a few quarters in the pencil tray next to their paperclips. I officially have 3 quarters now and I'm feeling reeeaal adult about it.

Photo by: Jordyn Dee

5. I've been addicted to a true crime podcast lately called My Favorite Murder. I know, it sounds morbid and crazy, and frankly, it kind of is. I can't get enough of the two ladies though! I know it sounds crazy to admit I've always slightly been fascinated by serial killers and all that jazz, but I'm just going to throw out there that there must be a lot of us in the world or all those Dateline 20/20 shows wouldn't have been so successful all these years. You guys are all just more secretive about your interest in true crime cases than I am. 

The ladies are hilarious and have a lot of the same analyzing approaches that I do. 
Also, the podcast is pretty informative. Since listening, I now have gel pepper spray, I lock my front door much more frequently than I used to, and I'm actually much more aware of odd behaviors of men around me. Let's be honest, I would say of people around me, but rarely have I ever felt threatened by another woman. In my experience, it's always been 97% male. Sorry, doods.  

One of my favorite recent quotes from the show: 
"My happiest place is laying on the couch tucking my feet under whoever is there."  
 Mine too, girl, mine too.

6. As much as I hate the snow in the winter, I don't mind it in the spring. I think it's a psychological thing because I know it will be over soon. In the winter, I know there are months more of cold and snow ahead and that bums me out, but in the spring I know happy sunny days are just around the corner and just that thought makes it much more bearable! 

7. I think Jeremy and I are going to switch our dating anniversary date from February to June. I just feel like June is when we really connected. We spent every single day together since February but it wasn't until June when we seemed official. So maybe we jumped the gun celebrating in February but that's okay! June just seems to fit better. 

Also it helps spread out the holidays a bit. This year was kind of crazy gift wise. 

It went from Christmas Dec 25,
to Valentine's Day Feb 14, 
to anniversary Feb 27, 
to my half birthday (yes I celebrate that) Mar 12
to Jeremy's real birthday Mar 29,

That's just too much stuff to buy and plan for in a 3 month span. Plus, we get to go on fun anniversary trips in June instead of February now! That's fine by me. :)

Blue Copper:
My Favorite Murder Podcast:
The place in that photo: