Tuesday, January 16, 2018


Okay you guys, I'm doing it. I'm finally doing it! 

I'm going to get healthy, and get back in shape. Ultimately, my end goal is to feel healthy, happy, and toned again. I want to feel good in my jeans, be happy about all the photos I'm tagged in (curse you double chin!), and just over all feel healthy in this beautiful body I've been given.

I started on Wednesday (January 10), and my goal is to lose 15 pounds to reach my target weight of 125 again! *You mean you don't already weigh 125, Olivia?!* No I don't, kind reader, but that was so sweet of you to say. ;)

For my own sanity about it all, I have to continually tell myself "I'm not on a diet, I'm just getting healthy". I feel like as soon as I use the word "diet" I start to instantly feel deprived of all the chocolate chip cookies, pizza, and taco stand burritos I could be eating. It's definitely all psychological for me, so instead, I have to tell myself I'm just getting healthy and fit! 

So far I've limited myself to a protein shake for breakfast, a Lean Cuisine meal for lunch, and a healthy option for dinner: a salad, chicken and veggies, a bowl of air, etc. Just kidding about the last one. I also bought a nice juicer a while ago, but I hate how much of the fruit and vegetable you lose by juicing. I feel like i'm better off just eating all those fruits and veggies rather than throwing away 30% of each one in the left over pulp. 

I'm still figuring out what I want to do for exercise because winter makes that kind of tricky, plus I don't particularly enjoy exercising. I do love swimming though so maybe I'll buy myself another membership to the pool by the U! Until I figure out what I want my regular type of exercise to be, I've just been trying to consciously walk more, and I've been doing pushups and wall sits at work every time I take a bathroom break. It's not much, I know, but hopefully it will all slowly but surely lead to a healthier happier Olivia! 

Is anyone else currently trying to get healthy as well? I would love to have a buddy through all of this if anyone else is currently losing weight too! Let me know! We can be a support buddy to each other. :) 

Goal Weight: 125lbs. Because I looked gooood at 125.
End Date: Hopefully by March 15th.


Protein Shakes I buy:  www.costco.com/Premier-Protein
I get the chocolate, and vanilla ones which are really good! I've yet to try any of the others yet. When they're on sale at Costco, it comes out to $1.11 for one drink, not too shabby.

Thursday, January 11, 2018


I love a good rainy day! Who doesn't though, right? I just love the overall mood of a rainy day. The world seems to slow down even if just for a little bit. As much as I absolutely love sunshine, I always think how I wouldn't mind if each day started overcast for an hour or two. There's just something about an overcast, drizzly morning that I love!

For Christmas, I got these Matte Red Hunter Rainboots from my Mama that I'm really loving! I've wanted some Hunter boots for a while but I never think to just splurge and buy myself some, so I'm so happy my mom did! They have so many fun colors to choose from, and I secretly want like 3 more, but these Matte Red ones were my absolute favorite! I just feel like I'm meant to stomp around puddles in London when I wear them and that's a fun feeling!

This grey sweater is also new and so naturally it's one of my favorites at the moment! It's from H&M and was on sale for $12! 12 dollars, you guys. It's seriously the softest sweater, and I love the slouchy, cozy aspect to it.

Hunter Rain Boots: www.hunterboots.com/rainboots/red
Sweater: H&M: www.hm.com/ladies/knitwear/grey

Tuesday, January 9, 2018


I'm a sucker for New Year's Resolutions. I know a lot of people don't like them, but I really love the idea of setting new goals for your life, and re-evaluating what's important to you each January. It's silly, and cliche, but it does feel like a fresh start to be a better you, and I absolutely love that!

(in no particular order)

1. Go to New York City.

2. Go to Disneyland! I haven't been since I was 18 and that was seriously forever ago. 

3. Go on a cruise. I've never been and I've always wanted to go! They just look so fun!

4. Go on more walks. Morning walks, evening walks, quick lunch break walks.   

5. Go back to Oregon to explore, and visit Andres + Phillip in their cute town!
6. Photograph more. Start filming more of my life to have as memories later in life.

7. Spend more time with family and friends. Whether that's in person, on Facetime, or on the phone. 

8. Lose those pesky 10 pounds. It sounds so easy in theory, it's just 10 pounds, but ohhh man I've been letting those extra pounds linger in my life for far too long. 

9. Roadtrip around the United States in the summer when I quit my job.

10. Move to Los Angeles.

11. Get a job at a movie studio/ tv set/ studio lot.

12. Be Happy. No matter what I accomplish this year, or where life takes me, I just want to be happy and learn to not stress the small stuff.

I want 2018 to be my best year yet, and I feel like it will be! It'll be a year of growth, of change, and of new accomplishments and adventures!

Wednesday, January 3, 2018


Was it just me, or did 2017 fly by?! Honestly, 2017 was the quickest year of my life! It came and went in a matter of 4 months it felt like. I want to take things slow in 2018 and stop to enjoy all the little moments, stop to enjoy my life, and be happier in general.

My friend Phillip told me about the idea of picking a word or phrase to focus on for the year, rather than making New Year's Resolutions. I love New Year's Resolutions, but I also love this idea to pick one word to guide you through the year. I picked:


I want to be more deliberate with my time, with my intentions, with my focus. I want to be meaningful in each moment, and be truly intentional in how I spend my life, and who I spend my time with. I want to choose to be happy everyday, choose to surround myself with positive people who I love, and choose to keep working towards my goals with an intentional heart each new day.

Being deliberate sounds really beneficial to me, and I'm excited to focus on that for 2018! What word would you guys choose to focus on for 2018? :)