Tuesday, September 26, 2017


I think I'm a little too weirdly obsessed with ghost stories. Anytime I hear a friend/coworker/family member start to tell a paranormal story that happened to them my ears perk up like none other!

It truly has to be a first hand story though. None of this whole "my cousin's girlfriend blah blah blah".
1. I don't know that person so the story loses all it's credibility right from the start.
2. Even if the story really happened and the main person is honest, I'm pretty sure all the details got screwed up in translation each time it got retold. 

I seriously love a good ghost story! I love all those stories of weird things that happened that you can't explain. Hearing something in the middle of the night. Seeing something across the room. A weird thing that happened to you when you were little that you just can't explain. I love it all! 

I just feel like there are so many things that we can't explain, and I love hearing everyone's individual stories. 

I'll tell you mine. Take it for what you want but it was/is my reality so I'll explain what happened in exactly that way, what I perceived. 

I was 20-21ish, and still living at home in California. In the house it was: me, my mom, and a girl who had been living with us from Mexico for a few months. It was late at night, maybe 11:30pm or so, and I was just on the computer as my mom and Nancy slept. I heard someone about 10 feet directly behind me say "Olivia" like in a way to get my attention. It was so real of a voice that I audibly heard, that I just thought it was my mom or Nancy who said it. Not alarmed at all at this point I turned around just expecting to see one of them standing in the kitchen, but there was no one. This is the point that I got really scared, because I knew I heard someone say my name. 

I turned back around and casually tried to sit on the computer for like 2 minutes longer before I slowly logged off. I don't know why but I made it a point to make it seem like I wasn't scared. I guess I didn't want the ghost to think it scared me haha. Looking back now, I feel like it was for sure someone I knew, either a family member or friend from a past life. The voice itself didn't feel threatening or scary at all, just like someone trying to get my attention. 

I was little for this one, maybe 9 or 10. I was home by myself playing a game on the computer in the middle of the day. I heard weird noises coming out of the kitchen like things being quietly moved around or just the sound of someone being in there. We had an open concept house so I could see most of the kitchen from where I sat in the family room. 

I didn't think a whole lot about it until both of our cats came out and stood between me and the kitchen in that alarmed way that cats do. As much as I called their names they would never break eye contact with the kitchen and they were both so tense and looked like they were ready to fight at any given moment. They stayed like this for about 5 minutes, with me trying to get their attention or look away from the kitchen. 

After about 5 minutes of this, a few bowls fell off the kitchen counter onto the floor and I bolted! I was already so scared, and home alone by myself, and I just bolted out of the house and ran to my Grandma's house (she only lived two houses away). I don't think I told her what happened when I got there just because I was embarrassed about being scared, but it was so scary! I don't know what the deal with that one was, but whatever it was, both the cats and I experienced the same weird thing.

This was just a couple years ago in the same house I'm living in now. (Stop reading now if you're already a little spooked by my house haha.) It was nighttime and Forrest and I were sitting on the couches in the living room watching a scary video on YouTube (but on the TV, not computer). On the same wall as the TV there are two matching windows on either side. 

While watching the video, something caught my eye in the reflection of the window and I turned to watch a tall dark mass glide slowly across the living room behind me in the reflection. It moved slow enough that I just watched it move from one side of the wall into the other side, essentially into Forrest's bedroom. I got so freaked out and Forrest tried to debunk it with me. He went and stood back to the same spot I watched it and it essentially looked as clear as Forrest looked if he just draped a dark black cloth over his head and body and was a bit taller.

Because it was night Forrest thought it could have been a weird light trick from car headlights outside or something I saw outside the house but just looked like it was inside, but I'm pretty positive of what I saw. Say what you want but I'm pretty sure I watched a dark entity move behind me in my own house. It was so clear, and moved so slow that it wasn't a corner of the eye type of thing. That one freaked me out the most and I made Forrest lay with me for a bit that night when I was trying to fall asleep. It was just scary to think something dark could have been in our home, and even scarier to think if we somehow invited it in by watching that creepy video on the TV. 
Who knows. But I would definitely put money down that I saw a dark ghost/mass/entity/energy/whatever you want to call it that night.

Now that Halloween is approaching, please please please tell me your ghost stories, or spooky things that happened to you! I would love to hear them all! :)

1 comment:

  1. Oh man, so good! I have SOoooo many good stories, some as recent as last week. I really feel like when you are in tune with energies, not only are they more obvious everywhere but it's easier to be at peace with them. I love a good ghost story! 💚🙌
