Wednesday, October 18, 2017


Last week, on World Mental Health Day I asked my boss if I could take Mondays off from now on. 

Granted, I didn't realize it was World Mental Health Day when I asked in the morning, but about halfway through the day I saw it online. What a strange coincidence that that's when I finally decided to ask, but it really makes me laugh!

I've been working such long days between my full-time photo job, and my Etsy shop every evening when I get home. Some days I end up working from 7:30a.m. until 3:30-4:00pm at work, and then come home and work on Etsy orders all night, eat dinner, go to sleep, and wake up and do it all over again the next day. Some days I end up working 12-14 hours and it is just really starting to wear me down.

I asked if I could just work Tuesdays-Fridays and he was very kind and understanding which was awesome! He approved it and I instantly felt like a load had been lifted off me. 

It's so important to do things that you know are needed for your own personal mental health and sanity. I'm such an avid supporter of mental health, and for each of us figuring out what we individually need. Whether it's simple little moments to do something that brings you joy, therapy, medication, etc, there should never be any shame in seeking help. I knew I couldn't keep working these long days much longer without having a breakdown, but I didn't want to give up either of my jobs. Luckily I have an awesome boss who was very understanding of that; I know not everyone would be this lucky so I'm very grateful! 

So in celebration of that, let's all make time to do things for us

Find things we love and spend time doing them. This life is way too short to spend just waiting until 5:00pm or waiting until the weekend. I want to be more purposeful in how I spend my days because the older I get, the quicker the days pass me by. I swear it was just Christmas not too long ago and suddenly we're approaching that time of year again. Time is just flying by and I don't want my life to pass me by so quickly!  


1. Going on walks. Quick or long, I just love going on walks in Memory Grove and Liberty Park. 
2. Writing in my journal. 
3. Making time for friends. I've been so bad about this lately but I miss movie nights and going out to eat with my friends.
4. Phone calls/Facetime with loved ones. 
5. Gardening. My flowers are fending for themselves lately and it makes me feel awful.
6. Ample amounts of sleep.
7. Baths. I love baths and they really help soothe my soul.
8. Cooking myself real food. I've been eating way too many frozen meals than I care to admit. 
9. Taking trips, big or small. I'm young and now is the time to travel and experience life!  
10. All the little things that make me happy. (Painting my nails, going to Costco just because, taking photos, baking)

What are some things that make you happy? I think you should make a list and do them too! 
Life is short and we should all be more purposeful with our time, and more attentive to our mental health.

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