Thursday, April 13, 2017


Are you watching The Path on Hulu? 
If not, you really should be. 

It stars Aaron Paul and Michelle Monaghan who are both babes! I may have little crushes on both of them. It's about a cult in New York, and the story is just so good! A lot of it reminds me of Scientology but the cult in the show is fictional. 

Jeremy and I have been obsessed with that show recently and get so excited everytime a new episode pops up. For some reason we can never remember what day it gets released each week but we also won't just look it up. It's a fun little question to ask each other when we sit down with our dinner in front of the tv. I can't keep track of the amount of times Jeremy has asked me "Is there a new Path?" I'm pretty sure it gets released on Wednesdays but who's to really know? The internet. But that's too much work. :)

P.S. We literally never eat food at a table. Is eating at a table the norm still or in front of the TV? We always watch TV when we eat at home and I think it's seriously one of my favorite things! I love a good dinner and TV date! Seriously though, I could probably count the amount of times we've eaten at the table on less than two hands and each time it's because my mama was in town. 

Also last night was the best! We both got home kind of late and were too tired to make dinner so we just had bowls of cereal for dinner on the couch, cuddled up to watch The Path and I can't think of a better way to spend a Wednesday night! 

Thank you Cinnamon Toast Crunch, and thank you Hulu for helping us have the loveliest Wednesday night in. 

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