Wednesday, April 5, 2017


1. I've watched The Office from start to finish I don't know how many times, and I bawl my eyes out when it ends everytime. That last episode is so happy and cute, but makes me cry every single time knowing the show is over. 

If Netflix was going to bring back any show for a season it should be The Office! But knowing how bad those remake seasons go, I probably wouldn't want The Office butchered like that. We just watched the second to last episode last night and I know the inevitable is coming. I guess I'll just have to start from the pilot again. Jeremy, you down? :)

2. I brought my yoga mat to my office yesterday so I can take little micro breaks to do some quick crunches and push ups behind my desk, but I haven't worked up the courage to actually do it yet. I should just do it though! My coworkers take a million breaks to go smoke outside so whats the difference between that and me having a quick crunch break? I just know it will be funny when someone walks in my office and I'm down on the floor behind my desk on a yoga mat. 

3. I just started the podcast S-Town thanks to my friend Britt who told me about it. Who else is listening to it? I'm just on episode 3 but I'm already so hooked! 

4. I keep seeing acai bowls all over the internet but I've yet to try anything acai. Is it worth all the hype? I just watched a video of Aspyn Ovard making one and it looked really good! I just feel like acai really got popular these past two years. Maybe that's what I'll try to make this week! 

5. I realized I'm super impulsive in some areas and very slow to pull the trigger in others. I'll explain. A couple days ago I was at work when I got the idea to fly to LA for Easter weekend. That same evening I had convinced Jeremy to go with me and we were buying tickets. (I didn't really have to convince him, he wanted to go.)
But he's been asking me for about a week to pull the trigger on a hotel or AirBnb for another trip we're going on in May and I just couldn't do it! For a whole week I put off booking hotels, but I bought airplane tickets in less than 8 hours of having the idea. I think it boils down to feeling like only after I book a hotel will I find one I like more and feel like I missed out. 

6. The last Weird Little Things list I talked about the movie IT and being scared of pennywise. When I wrote that, I had no idea they were doing a remake of the movie! I watched the trailer for the new one a few days ago and it looks so scary! Woof. I don't know if seeing that will help diminish my fear or only increase it. It does look good though!
That being said, why did they make the kid hit his head on the street sign?? That was a weird comical part for a scary movie.


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