Monday, April 3, 2017


This weekend was busy busy busy. The good kind of busy though. Mamabear flew into town on Thursday so I got to visit with her all weekend which was so nice! 

Friday was pretty laid back. When I got home from work I helped Mama make dinner. We had turkey burgers and they were so yummy! We rented the movie Shut In which was entertaining and suspenseful, but I probably wouldn't ever watch it again. 

Saturday we worked on the house for a bit in the morning after breakfast. Forrest painted part of the house, while Mama and I cleaned up the front porch and took things back where they belong in the backyard. All my tulips and daffodils are just starting to bloom so I've really been loving our yard lately!

We took Mama to Ensign Peak because she had never been before. We just went to the first overlook because Jeremy and I had somewhere to be and we didn't have a whole lot of time. It was a really nice, clear day so you could see far over the city. I honestly might like that lower lookout better than the higher one because you're not so far away from everything. The higher one just makes you so much further from everything that it's harder to see all the details.

Sunday morning, we went to the first session of General Conference with Mama. I'll be honest, I've never been the biggest fan of conference. It's kind of boring and I don't like that it takes up the whole weekend and makes you feel guilty for doing things on a Saturday. Non-Mormons won't know what I mean, but it essentially is like having church not only all day on Sunday but again on Saturday. It eats up your whole weekend. That being said, being there wasn't bad! I just don't know how much I really believe anymore. But another day for all of that.

I know you can't zoom in on this photo, but if you could, you'd see Jeremy and I look very Tim Burton-esque. Something about this photo made our eye sockets reeeaally dark and we just look a little spooky which makes me love it even more! :)

After conference we made paninis for lunch, and then took Mama to the airport. On our way back we stopped by to visit with Mal because she was in town this weekend. It was so nice to see her! I've missed her so much!

 I mean... just look how cute we are! Thanks for being my friend, Mal. I love you girl! I need to go to Seattle soon to visit her. 

Overall, it was a fun weekend! I left out a lot but that's okay by me. :)


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