Monday, May 21, 2018

I GOT LAID OFF. (for the first time)

I've never been fired or laid off from a job before. That was up until last Wednesday. My company decided to lay off all the photographers in Utah including yours truly. It's a weird feeling going into a corporate meeting with 15 other photographers and all be told simultaneously that we don't have a job anymore. 

In order to get my severance package I have to work until June 8th and I'm totally okay with that. I love the people I work with, so although it's weird going back to a job you know you don't technically have anymore, it's easy to hang out my co-workers for a few more weeks.

I weirdly feel at ease with all of this though. Despite everything being so up in the air, I feel a strange calmness about it all. I know I'll figure out what to do next, I know I have savings to float me until my next thing, and I know everything will just be okay ultimately. I've lived a relatively pretty easy life so far, so why would it be any different now?

On the silly side of things, I can now say I've been laid off. That feels like a real 1930s thing to me. 

I really don't know what I will do just quite yet. I'm looking for jobs currently, and trying to interview for an HR type role that just opened up on Friday, but who knows? Maybe I'll just take the Summer off and go travel and bum around for a bit. That sounds so delightful to me. :) That was the original plan anyway, but it's easier to plan it out than to actually quit and make yourself do it. 

Maybe this laying off was just the little push I needed!


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