Wednesday, May 2, 2018


"Done is better than perfect."

I heard this quote on a podcast I love and it really resonated with me. I don't automatically consider myself a perfectionist until I realize there are so many projects I haven't yet started because of this overwhelming idea that it has to be perfect the first time around. I have so many things I want to do, but I don't start those projects because something so small holds me back. 

Well folks, done is better than perfect. Starting and creating something even if it's not amazing is so much better than never making the thing at all. The more self-help style podcasts I listen to, the more I realize successful people didn't just have all the answers in the beginning. They didn't wake up one morning and say "I'm going to have a successful clothing company/bakery/blog/etc" and it just magically happened. They tried and failed, they experimented, they walked down the wrong job path until they realized that's not what they were supposed to do. They tried, and they tried, and they tried. Until, eventually, they turned their once small, intimidating idea into something successful and extraordinary.

Even when I take a look at the back pages of my blog right now, I have so many drafts of blog posts that never got published because I didn't think they were finished. But what's the point of writing 92% of a blog post and then never clicking that "publish" button? 

I wanted to start a blog a long time before I actually did, but the dumbest reasons held me back. I didn't know what it would truly be about, I didn't know a good blog title, I didn't have all the ideas right up front so I didn't start for a couple years. How dumb is that?! If I had just started the blog, the ideas would have come, but I thought it was the other way around. 

It's so awesome if you already know your life's calling and you know what you are meant to do, but I feel like for the majority of us, we're all just figuring it out along the way. And I think that's totally okay! Trial and error help us grow everyday, and I personally want to give myself the freedom to try new things and fail at them than not even try at all. 

So that being said, I'm working harder every passing day to remind myself that done is better than perfect. I'm allowed to fail. I'm allowed to make a really crappy macaron the first time around and get better with each batch. If the worst possible outcome for a project or business idea is just that it won't be successful, who's to say you shouldn't try?

You can listen to the "Don't Keep Your Day Job" podcast here:

The podcast is so inspiring and motivating to run after the one thing (or multiple things) in life that call to you, to live your life intentionally, and to live your happiest life. I really recommend it to everyone! 

I hope you, yes you, figure out what would make your heart truly happy if you just weren't scared of failing. And then I hope you take a step towards that goal today, even if just a baby step. We only have this one life, and I think you should live it doing what you truly want to do. 

Happy pursuing! :)

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