Tuesday, May 23, 2017


La La Land has officially become my new favorite movie.
I haven't had a new favorite movie in years! 

Honestly, every component of that movie is perfect. The beautiful cinematography, the music, the enchanting dreamlike portrayal of Los Angeles, the locations in each shot, the acting, the emotion, the story line. Everything.

When it first came out, I watched it three times in the theater. It was just so captivating that I couldn't help myself from going back to watch it again. And again.

I watched it again last night, for the first time in the comfort of my home, and I felt every single emotion that I felt each time. I know the story, I know the music better than I should, and yet everything about the film felt new again. That's the epitome of a mesmerizing movie to me. 

And you better believe I bawl my eyes out every single time. Poor Jeremy. He's there to hold me and tell me everything's okay after each time. Of course the idea of Mia + Sebastian not ending up together is tragic to me but it's deeper than that. It's the sadness of the ending, mixed with the idea of unfulfilled potential in myself. 

Perhaps this is letting you into a more vulnerable part of my mind, but I've always wanted to work in the movie industry. I've wanted that LA life with the film industry job, knowing I've helped create something beautiful to add to the world. I suppose that's why I studied what I did in college, and why I was an extra in movies and TV shows all those times. They were little stepping stones towards my LA movie life goal. 

This movie touches me on a deeper level for that reason. It's the idea of all these people trying to make it, trying to pursue their dream, and I can't help but question if I'm still chasing after my dream or if I just got comfortable along the way. 

It invokes that fear of not living your own dream in life out of fear of failing. 

I listen to the soundtrack a lot at work and even that at times can make me emotional. The music is so beautiful, and brings up all those emotions from the movie. 

In conclusion, La La Land is artistically beautiful and perfect! And I will fight anyone who says otherwise. :)

Here's to the fools who dream.

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