Tuesday, June 5, 2018


I'm at a little bit of a life crossroads lately. My last day of work at my job is this Friday June 8th, and then... I don't know what to do next!

I've been thinking about going back to school to get my teaching credential. I've thought about moving to Los Angeles to work for a movie studio (granted I need to get hired first). I've thought about trying to really give my Etsy shop Confetti Heart all my energy to make that more lucrative. I've thought about pursuing photography full time on my own. I've thought about starting a cookie/baking business. I've thought about buying land and making my own wedding venue business.

I just have no idea, you guys! I'm at that crucial moment where I just need to decide on something and run with it with all my time and energy, but I just don't know what direction I want to go yet!

If it's going back to school, I need to decide pronto and apply to a program for the Fall semester. I've been looking at CSU Channel Islands and CSU Northridge for the credential. The idea of going back to school sounds so fun to me, but I also only want to do it if I'm sure that's what I want to do, even if just for a few years.

Regardless of what I end up doing, I'm for sure going to take this Summer off! I haven't had a Summer vacation since I was in college so it just sounds so nice to take a little time off for myself. I want to travel. I want to swim. I want to lay out under palm trees in the sand and be a bum. I want to photograph everything I see. I want to roadtrip in my new Honda Fit and sleep in the back. I want to visit family and friends. I want to play, and explore, and be happy! I really just want to slow down to truly enjoy my life.

So although I have no idea what I want to do after my little Summer vacation, I'm so excited for what's to come! It's nerve-wracking, and intimidating, and exciting all at the same time!

Here's to hopefully an enlightening Summer to help me realize what passion to follow next!

My Etsy shop:  www.etsy.com/shop/confettiheart

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