Thursday, November 2, 2017


Captain Jack Sparrow! 
 Halloween 2017

After work on Halloween, we went to Chipotle to get our $3 booritos for being in costume. We went home, stuffed our faces with burritos, chips + queso, and candy, watched episodes of Ghost Adventures, and passed out candy to the cute little kiddos who came by. My favorite was an adorable little girl who couldn't have been more than 3 years old; she was dressed up as the sweetest little lamb!  

Our house later that night got graffiti'd by 3 idiot punks. Jeremy and I were still up watching scary things in the front room when we just heard older voices yelling "trick or treat" from our front porch. It was 10:30pm and way too late to be going up to someone's house yelling through the front door, but Jeremy was nice and gave them candy anyway. 

They weren't in costume, had to be late teens or early twenties, and each holding a can of spray paint. In hindsight, we probably should have called that in, but I didn't think they would be dumb enough to spray paint someone's actual home. But they did. They also spray painted all over a wall around the block that leads down some stairs to the park. It makes me so mad. Especially the fact that we were nice enough to open our door to them at 10:30 at night, only to find our house all graffiti'd the next day. It made me so so mad! Since then we called it in and gave a description of those idiots but I know nothing will come of it. I honestly hate that people like that even exist. The idea of people walking around just to be completely destructive baffles me. What a waste of a life.

It's times like these when I really wish I had a porch camera. 

So besides those idiots...

Halloween was really fun! 

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