Tuesday, November 4, 2014


Last night I finally watched the documentary Burt's Buzz. I had watched a trailer for it a while back when I was taking my documentary class and had wanted to watch it for some time now but never had the chance, so you can imagine how happy I was when I learned it is now on Netflix!

(Don't worry, I won't give anything away. Promise.)
This documentary tells the life of Burt Shavitz, the co-founder of Burt's Bees. Burt definitely isn't your typical entrepreneur and I think that's what I love about him and about this documentary. I've always been fascinated with people who reject the modern world and continue to live a simple life. It's appealing because deep down I would love to live a life like this. I want to own a house on a good piece of land on the river and be self-sufficient. I want to grow my own fruits and vegetables, grow trees and cut them down myself for firewood, prepare food from my land, and just learn to truly live off the land. (The other side of me wants to live the other extreme and be rich and live in an apartment in the middle of NYC but that's for another discussion.)

As strange of a person as Burt might seem at first, I found myself relating to him quite a bit throughout the film. While discussing the simple life he has chosen in Maine he said, "A good day is when no one shows up and you don't have to go anywhere" and I couldn't agree more. I still love seeing friends and family but I can definitely relate to longing for alone time without any responsibilities or immediate plans. I like the idea of doing what you love throughout your life but especially for a career, and Burt does exactly that.

If you like the company Burt's Bees, love documentaries, or just don't know what to click on next on Netflix, maybe treat yourself to Burt's Buzz


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