Wednesday, January 9, 2019

HAPPY 2019!

This is the second year that I've picked a focus word for the year. My dear friend Phillip introduced me to the idea last New Year's Day that instead of writing a typical New Year's Resolutions list, to choose one word that you want to be the center focus for that upcoming year. I really love that sentiment, so together at brunch, we all picked our words. 

Last year my word was DELIBERATE. I wanted to really focus on being intentional with my time and just how I spent it, and to really focus on being present in each moment. 

This year I chose the word COURAGEOUS

I feel like there are just so many things I want to do in life but fear sometimes stops me from attempting those things. I want to focus on being more courageous in life, and realize that it really is okay to fail. It's okay to take chances. It's okay to try new things and be bad at it the first time around. It's okay to be apprehensive about life changes, but I never want that apprehension to stop me from doing the things I want to pursue in life.

So, 2019 will be a year of courage, a year to try new things, a year to live my life fully! As cliche as that may sound. I never want to look back on my life as a "what could have been". I want to take chances, and make changes, and be courageous.

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