Thursday, April 28, 2016


Recently, I went home to California for just about 3 weeks. My mom had surgery on March 31st so I went home to stay with her for a bit as she recovered. My obvious main goal of going home was to just be there to help her as she recovered, but I also wanted to do a few things I was missing while living in Utah. (Yosemite, going to the beach, etc.)

I really love living in Salt Lake City but I find that no matter what, a huge part of my heart will forever remain in California. I'm really enjoying my life here in SLC but I know eventually I will want to move back to California, preferably Southern California. Southern California always calls out to me so hopefully in the near future I can figure out a good enough plan to make that actually work. I'll probably stay in Salt Lake City another year or two before moving on to my next adventure.

One day while I was home, I was sewing a skirt, and my mama was watching tv in the family room and I mentioned that I wanted to go to the beach. Before I knew it she was looking up little hotels in different beach towns for that night and I started packing. I think that's something I admire about my mom. She's like me in the sense of spontaneity. One minute we're being content little lazy kids and the next we're getting ready to go to the beach that evening.

We ended up finding the cutest little hotel in Capitola to stay that night.

I tend to be an early riser on vacations so I woke up early before the sun so I could watch the sunrise on the beach. It was so peaceful to be out there before the crowds of people, and watch the other early morning people enjoy the sunrise. There were a group of surfers out on the water and it was so relaxing to just watch them paddle around and chit chat out on the water on their boards. I've never surfed but I can appreciate the skill and beauty in it.

We found a cute little candy store next to our hotel. I'm not even that crazy about taffy but I love the idea of taffy/candy shops.

Lunch on the beach from Pizza My Heart. I finally bought myself a shirt this time. I feel like I used to always see everyone at my highschool wear Pizza My Heart shirts. I'm like 7 years late, but I'm finally cool like those highschool kids! :)

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