Tuesday, September 17, 2019


I made a new friend at the Malibu beach the other day! 

We were just laying out basking in the sun when an older man came over with his pet alpaca and two dogs. She was very sweet and kept making a purring type noise when I pet her, so hopefully that was a happy noise! The owner wasn't quite sure what her various noises meant yet because he hasn't had her very long. 

Miss Alpaca was so sweet and adorable, and I'm just now realizing I never asked her name. Oops! Anyway, just a silly unexpected experience on a beach in Malibu!

Sunday, September 8, 2019


Guess who totally forgot she had a blog? This girl! 
I mean, it's 2019, nobody really reads blogs anymore anyway, but I really enjoyed documenting life through here.  

Birthday week is upon us! I'll be 27 this Thursday and that's so crazy to me! No matter how much I don't want to, I just keep getting older and I really don't know how time is flying by so fast! Didn't I just turn 26 like 3 months ago? Wasn't I just 22 last year?

This year I'm going to Disneyland for my birthday because I'm truly still an 8 year old at heart. An 8 year old with a credit card! :)
I'm excited! I love Disneyland and although I was just there in the Spring, I'm excited to go back! It will already be decorated for Halloween and I've never been there while it's decorated for a holiday so I'm excited for that! 

So here's to my last few days being 26! It was a really good year and I'm extremely grateful for it and the adventures I had! 
Here's to making 27 even better than all the others combined!