Sunday, July 12, 2015


Last month, my Grandma Schultz passed away. She was a wonderful lady and one of my best friends. I grew up living two houses down from her so I had the opportunity to spend a lot of time with her over the years. She was a great friend when I needed to talk through a problem because she was never judgmental and always listened with compassion. I'll miss that lady and our days spent together. I'll miss our lunch dates, our conversations, our Taco Bell trips, our laughing fits, our walks, and our mid-day naps. (Sometimes I would go over to her house full well intending just to nap. She had her little couch and blankie, and I had mine and we would nap until one of us woke up. For some reason, it was just more enjoyable to nap at Grandma's house than by myself. haha)

I used to keep a little note on my phone with all the funny or profound things she would tell me over the last few years, but when I switched phones that note didn't transfer over to the new phone. The only quote I can remember perfectly is when she told me "Old age ain't for the impatient." I don't know why but I always loved that.

Here are photos from her funeral service in Atwater, and some family photos we took in her backyard following the service. It was an emotional day, but that didn't stop the Schultz family from having some fun afterward. I sure love this little crazy family of mine!


A few days before the service, I thought it would be nice to set up a little photo display of my Grandma's life. It was fun to go through her photo albums and pull out all the fun photos. There were a lot of photos that I had never seen before and it was so nice to see my grandma when she was an adorable little girl, as well as her 18-25 years. This is how the photo display turned out, which honestly, turned out even better than I imagined it would!

My Grandma when she was about 2 1/2 - 3 years old. So this photo has held up since 1931-32!

That milk crate above is one of my favorite little things. It belonged to my Grandpa Ray until he gave it to my mom. It's from Rapid City where they lived. I thought it was not only cute but an appropriate little display item to tie into everything from their life.

I figured I would take one last photo with Grandma.

Grandma's three sons looking through her photos.

My dad on the left with his siblings.

I love these girls.

Minus a few family members who could not make it, this is my beautiful Schultz family!

Uh, I definitely have the prettiest cousins. Right?

It's fun to see these three be silly together. Something about being around your siblings seems to revert you back to how you were when you were young.

Monday, July 6, 2015

4TH OF JULY 2015

The 4th of July has always been one of my favorite holidays. I think it comes in 3rd place after Christmas and Halloween. It's always been a close tie for 2nd place with Halloween though. This was my first 4th of July in Salt Lake City, and it definitely did not disappoint!

My 4th of July festivities actually began on Friday, July 3rd with Andres! Bountiful does their firework show the night before the 4th of July which I think is the best idea ever. It gives you the chance to have festivities on two days with two nights of firework shows!

4th of July
My holiday outfit for the 4th! Stripes are my friend. And Old Navy $6 shirts are definitely my friend! 
(On a side note, I realized I could never be a fashion blogger because I rarely spend more than $6 on shirts. All my blog posts would be about Payless sandals, and $3 shirts on sale at Target... Maybe that's just the type of fashion blogs we need though, realistic ones. haha)

I went to Sugarhouse Park with Alex, Andres, and Caleb to watch the Sugarhouse firework show. I had heard from a couple people that it was a good show, and I'm glad I listened to them! We sat on a hill in the park facing northeast, so while we waited for our show to start we were able to see 4 other areas in the distance shooting off fireworks as well. 

Looking back now, I realize that I kind of did a lot that day. I went to the Sugarhouse Arts Festival with Forrest and his friend Kristine. I got some barbecue food with Alex. We got ice cream. We went to the movies to watch Terminator which actually was a lot better than I thought it would be! Alex and I got candy at a candy shop. We sat on the porch swing for a while and watched the rain. And then he and I drove over with Andres and Caleb to watch the fireworks.

Overall, it was an awesome day, and I'm excited for more fun summer days to come!